Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Author: Paul Galdone
Illustrator: Paul Galdone
Genre: Traditional Literature
Awards: None 
Grade Level: Kindergarten-1st grade

This book is about three billy goats and one extremely greedy troll. While the goats are trying to cross the bridge in order to get to their food the troll comes out and threatens to gobble up the first billy goat. The first billy goat tells the troll to wait for his brother because he would make a more satisfying meal. When the second billy goat arrives, the troll once again threatens to gobble him up and is once again convinced to wait for the final billy goat so that he could have a bigger feast. When the third and final billy goat arrives the troll once again threatens to eat him. The billy goat fights the troll and causes the troll to fall off of the bridge and into a river where he is carried away. After the troll is carried away the billy goats are able to cross freely and go to their field to eat. 

I would most likely use this book as a tool to teach repetition. This book would be a good example of repetition because the troll repeats the same thing and so do the three billy goats. The book could also be used as a crossover tool between math and reading. I say this because one could use the billy goats to teach young students about size. 

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